The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1780708
Posted By: Bobert
10-Jul-06 - 10:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
Gettin' a little testy, ain't we, GUEST??? Why you gotta be that way, anyway??? Yer just'a poor looser, I reckon...

So you say that FEMA don't do "nuthing UNTIL there is an emergency"...

Like maybe you'd like to revisit the time line, pal...

According to Congressionl hearing testimony, FEMA chief was in touch with the White House two full days before Katrina hit telling tham from everything he knew that Katrina was going to be the big one...

This should have at least gotten someone's attention... It'd be like me calling you up, GUEST, and telling you I was gonna come over to yer house with an ugly stick... If you knew that I knew where you were living I doubt very seriously that you'd just go on watchin' the Price-Is-Right reruns without any concern...

I mean, lets get real here... You accuse me of not dealing with reality??? What a joke...

You say that the federal governemnt, being warned that a major hurrican was going to kit a majot population center in 48 hours had no responsibility to do anything??? Is that now yer position???

Talk about ignorance, pal... If I ever want to know what you look like all I'll have to do is look up "ignorance" in Webster's and yer piccure oughtta be right there with a big red bow 'round it...

But while we're on the topic of ignmorance and time lines how 'bout telling the Peanut Gallery when the orders were given by Michale Chertoff to FEMA, and other agencies, to mobilize...

Yeah, tell 'um that...

And here's the real challenge fir ya... Se if can answer that question without calling me an ignorant "sh*t" or blaming Bill Clinton...

I will say one thing: you are certainly a piece of work, GUEST...

BTW, do you really believe any of this stuff you write since it seems to have no factual basis and is so far removed from reality that it's borderline comical...
