The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92685   Message #1780799
Posted By: GUEST,Colin Pontzpass
11-Jul-06 - 03:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Fighting Irish
Subject: RE: BS: The Fighting Irish
Read recently in a Scottish newspaper that Father Reid would have enjoyed giving the last rights to those soldiers murdered at an IRA funeral because he see it as the final victory over two dying Protestants who can't tell him where to go. Secondly, he would have said that to the TV cameras anyway, to make him seem non sectarian and full of equality. Do any of you realise how much money was wasted on the Bloody Sunday enquiry ? There is much talk still going on about paratroopers shooting innocent Catholics in the back...were these the same Catholics that were involved in throwing blast bombs at the soldiers on Bloody Sunday....this being the case, its a pity the British Commanding Officer that day did not properly open up and slaughter all the rioters. I think they showed great restraint faced with a crowd trying to kill them. Michael Stones endeavoured to kill the IRA team giving the guard of honour at the funerals of the neutralised terrorists from Gibralter.....two soldiers were seized by a Reopublican mob and stripped, tortured by the crowd, before being impaled on steel security fencing. Was this a cowardly act or can you possibly twist things so much that you claim this was a brave effort by Republicans. You were the ones who begged Britain to send soldiers here in the first place. You are the reason for the British military being here. It was only when Republicans saw the possibility of brilliant propaganda for the world, that they turned their backs on the army and started killing them. I find the whole process very strange,You invite the army here and then spend 40 years trying to get rid of them again. You spend the Queens tender and yet state you hate it. You hate the British government, yet your politicians are up to their necks in it. You really are quite a funny race of people. The British have conquered and held more ground than any other nation with the exception of the Romans. It is quite ridiculous. The British government have you and have always had you totally pre-empted and infiltrated. They have you exactly where THEY want you. You are a bunch of headers if you think you can win back Ulster. NO SURENDER