The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92887   Message #1780966
Posted By: Susu's Hubby
11-Jul-06 - 09:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Oh no!....Say it ain't so!!
Subject: RE: BS: Oh no!....Say it ain't so!!
Let's keep 'em safe.

Betcha a liberal dem or at least a "moderate" Repub wrote this one.

Here's the lead and first paragraphs from the story.

State and local police would be prohibited in key ways from helping Immigration and Customs Enforcement combat illegal immigration under Senate legislation, a wall that opponents say would lead to rampant fraud, hamper efforts to deport future illegals and threaten national security.
    "The Senate bill would actually make us less safe," said Rep. Ed Royce, California Republican and chairman of the International Relations Committee's subcommittee on international terrorism and nonproliferation. It "would roll back the ability for state and local officials to cooperate with federal officials."

Someone prove me wrong. Please. I'll admit it. Prove to me a democrat didn't present this bill. It's funny how the times omitted that little fact.

Conservative media my butt.
