The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87316   Message #1781009
Posted By: Amos
11-Jul-06 - 10:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Domestic Spying in the U.S.
Subject: RE: BS: Domestic Spying in the U.S.
White House Asks For Dismissal Of NSA Wiretap Suit

Arguing that defending the four-year-old wiretapping program in open court would risk national security, the Bush administration on Monday asked a federal judge to dismiss a lawsuit challenging the National Security Agency's domestic eavesdropping program. In arguments before U.S. District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor in Detroit, the American Civil Liberties Union on Monday renewed its call for a court order that would force the government to suspend its program of intercepting without a court order the international phone calls and e-mails of U.S. citizens.

Lessee if we have the logic straight -- we have to be free to break the law, to do important work, and you can't ask us to talk about it because it would compromise the important work for which we are breaking it. One is led to deduce that the position of the Administration is that their work is so important as to be above the law, and should be free to be above the law at their discretion. What work, one might ask, could be so important in the affairs of men as to justify this risky posture as a potential dictatorial force? Why, of course, the work of promoting and defending freedom under the law. That's the most important work there is! Hell, anyone could tell you that.