The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1781113
Posted By: GUEST
11-Jul-06 - 12:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
Can you answer any of these easy questions?

If Bush had provided more funding would it have prevented the disaster?

If there was no war in Iraq, would the disaster have been prevented?

Would the disaster have been prevented if FEMA was never fooled with?

Would building the levees to with stand a cat 5 starting about 20 years earlier and/or the flood gates that were appropriated have prevented the disaster?

Would the evacuation of NO before the storm hit have prevented the disaster?

In short, what would have prevented this disaster?

Bobert is not concerned about the disaster itself, what caused it, how it could have been prevented and how to prevent the next one. He is only concerned with making political hay out of it to discredit GWB.

Shure FEMA is screwed up. Shure FEMA did not respond AFTER the disaster as well as they would have if it was left alone.

Sure GWB appointed incompetent people. Chertof still looks incompetent to me.

This does not mean that GWB is responsible for the disaster but only for some problems in the aftermath of the disaster. It seems to me with bullets flying, inaccurate TV coverage, inaccurate newspaper coverage and looting and other criminal activities going on that a "fog of war" descended on the rescue effort. If the city had been evacuated the rescue effort would have been immensely reduced.

The local authorities could have prevented most of the suffering and loss of life if they had evacuated during the two days before Katrina hit.

GWB warned them of the magnitude of the storm and told people to move to to safer ground. Should he have said "do not listen to your local authorities and get out"? Would that have helped the people that had no way to get out? Should GWB have sent the military to over ride the local authorities and organize an evacuation? Invoked military law?

The loss of property could not have been prevented because the levees were not up to the task. It would have taken an effort that began 20 years or more before the disaster to prevent the flooding. Even if the levees were built higher, the 17th street canal levee would have failed anyway because the steel did not go deep enough into the peat and sand below. Flood gates might have prevented the flooding.

So Bobert, are you about disaster prevention or you about Monday morning quarterbacking, political finger pointing and name calling?

And because the place still in in no shape to withstand a similar storm, you are preparing to use any future disasters as a weapon rather that trying to come up with something constructive?