The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92869   Message #1781249
Posted By: jacqui.c
11-Jul-06 - 04:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Men to be phased out by 2021???....
Subject: RE: BS: Men to be phased out by 2021???....
Unfortunately some men just can't manage to avoid hitting the edge of the bowl when they pee. If the seat is up and one hits the head in a tearing hurry (long journey home or whatever...) it is possible not even to see that the seat is up and then sit on the wet bits. Not nice. Worse than what sometimes happens when you get caught short - the time taken putting the seat down can make all the difference....

My ex-husband was one whose aim wasn't always of the best and he just would not put the seat down, or clean up after himself (passive aggressive, I think). I had a slipped disc - couldn't walk and was reduced to crawling to the toilet. Trust me, that is when you don't want to see the leavings or to have to try and reach to put the seat down.

More concisely - it is less uncomfortable for a man to pee when the seat is down than for a woman to sit on the loo when it is up!

(But I am still against the idea of getting rid of men!)