The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92869   Message #1781533
Posted By: Bert
12-Jul-06 - 01:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Men to be phased out by 2021???....
Subject: RE: BS: Men to be phased out by 2021???....
Aaahh yes! Bill D. I've visited such houses and the underside of those seats would make you want to throw up.

On the other hand I visted a couple of old spinsters one time and on lifting the lid saw a little sign that read "Oooh goody! a MAN!" (not really a true story, one I heard somewhere, but I have known such darling ladies).

I agree with Eric the Red though, and think that that day is far off.
AND the dildo will also have to kill spiders, put up a shelf in the kitchen, take out the trash, scratch a back, give a good foot rub and a massage, go out at two in the morning to buy chocolate or tampons or whatever it is she needs, wash the car, mow the lawn, dig the garden (or at least rent a tiller) go out to work to pay the rent, etc. etc..

No guys, we've got nothing to worry about.