The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92854   Message #1781552
Posted By: stallion
12-Jul-06 - 02:19 AM
Thread Name: Folkies supporting IRA
Subject: RE: Folkies supporting IRA
Oh dear Bert, I think you are so ill informed. Putting out propaganda is one thing believing it is another. In the first instant, the bid for Irish independance was not a Catholic Protestant thing, does United Irishmen ring a bell? The whole thing seems to have been hijacked. British Parliament required one to swear an oath, catholics couldn't do this and were excluded however niether could athiest and they were excluded (Bradlaugh) The "Partition" probably saved Ireland from a more savage civil war than it had, one can never know that So it is only speculation. Oh yes Cromwell, a foriegner massacreing the local population, at least the Irish don't live on reservations and are allowed to vote. Where do you draw the line between freedom fighter and terrorist, were native North Americans terrorists or freedom fighters? Like the slave trade, the occupation of ireland, the theft of native american lands, however unpallatable it was, it wasn't you or I that were responsible. However, we are responsible for our own actions and we can all make a difference by moving forward and looking to the future and not looking back, it's hard I know but if it doesn't happen then we are going to hand hatred on to the future generations, lets hand on the music of a bygone age but not the hate. My uncle Jack was a Japanese POW, he was on board the Lisbon Matru (POW ship)when it was torpedoed by a US submarine, he escaped into captivity and endured some appalling experiences, a couple of years ago he went back to Japan and publicly and truly forgave his captors, he said that a majority of the nightmares ended with that forgiveness.
Passion, hate and jealousy are bedfellows, I don't think anyone has one without the others, but, try to be objective. This is so sad that people still think this way.