The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92618   Message #1781554
Posted By: GUEST,ifor
12-Jul-06 - 02:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gaza Strip 28/9 June 2006
Subject: RE: BS: Gaza Strip 28/9 June 2006
Reply to Guest
The war against the Palestinians has been waged by the Zionists and the Israeli state for many,many decades ...for years before the state of Israel came into existence.

From the very first the Zionists had no intention of recognising the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.

They attacked them physically and then later shot them,baynotted them or drove them out of their homeland.You know that!

The massacres committed by the Israelis have been many from Deir Yassin to Qana ,from the Beirut camps to the the slaughter at Jenin.This year alone over 200 have been killed by the Israelis in Gaza.The radio reported 6 blown up in Gaza this morning including 2 women and 2 children ,murdered by a huge bomb dropped on a house.

Israeli has one of the most powerful killing machines in the world and uses it to terrorise the Palestinians. It has been armed and funded by the USA .

I am certainly not concilitaory when I see the way the Palestinians have been slaughtered, pauperised and terrorised by Israel and those strutting Zionist paramilitaries who delight in bullying their Palestinians neighbours.There are now some 400000 Zionists living illegally on the West Bank.In 1967 there were none.
They have seized land ,fields,orchards,blown up homes [thousands have been bulldozered or demolished in the past few years] and those humiliating checkpoints [like fortresses ] built across the land.
The one act of conciliation I would approve of is to see the millions of exiled Palestinians return to their homeland ...under the present Israeli regime it aint going to happen ...