The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92854   Message #1781586
Posted By: Terry K
12-Jul-06 - 03:54 AM
Thread Name: Folkies supporting IRA
Subject: RE: Folkies supporting IRA
"A plebiscite within Northern Ireland on whether it should remain in the United Kingdom, or join the Republic, was held in 1973. The vote went heavily in favour (98.9%) of maintaining the status quo with approximately 57.5% of the total electorate voting in support, but most nationalists boycotted the poll ...." - from memory I think this Wiki entry is fairly accurate.

Despite the boycott, this still means that 56.87% of the population voted to stay within the UK. That would seem to be a majority. Bearing in mind that over 40% of the country is Catholic, it also says that unless the Protestant-and-others turnout was nigh on 100% (highly unlikely) a certain amount of the Catholic community DID vote, and voted in support.

But I tend to agree that the real crime is that the songs are mainly crap - if ever I am subjected to the Foggy bleedin' Dew again .....

cheers, Terry