The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91460   Message #1781735
Posted By: GUEST,Jon
12-Jul-06 - 08:28 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Digital Tradition Programmer Needed
Subject: RE: Tech: Digital Tradition Programmer Needed
That sounds great Mick! Exactly the sort of distrubution that's needed IMO.

I think the main reason for a DOS version is that it and it's AskSam engine has been better for searching than the other releases.

Must take a look at Derby sometime - I'd not heard of it.

Re abc: I would be using abc 2.0 too. I wish it would hurry up to a standard but I'm not holding my breath.

It's a shame but the business with aligning words remains a problem, as different programs have their own ways. At the moment, I take the view if it works with abc2mps it is correct.

I'd hope that if the dt really does prove to be serious about using abc, it's presence in that form might actualy provide the clout needed to get these minor, but irritating for those who want to distribute abc with words and be (at least reasonably) sure it will work with any current program, problems out.