The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92887   Message #1781858
Posted By: Arne
12-Jul-06 - 12:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Oh no!....Say it ain't so!!
Subject: RE: BS: Oh no!....Say it ain't so!!

Blather and spin all you want to. The facts are very simple to understand:

Taxes have been cut and tax revenues are up.

Here ya go:
In remarks on July 11 touting revised deficit projections in the Mid-Session Review of the Budget, President Bush once again claimed that tax cuts pay for themselves:
"Some in Washington say we had to choose between cutting taxes and cutting the deficit….Today’s numbers show that that was a false choice. The economic growth fueled by tax relief has helped send our tax revenues soaring. That’s what has happened."[1]

These remarks mirror previous statements by the President, the Vice-President, and key Congressional leaders that the increase in revenues in 2005 and the increase now projected for 2006 prove that tax cuts "pay for themselves" â€" that the economy expands so much as a result of tax cuts that it produces the same level of revenue as it would have without the tax cuts.[2]

Economists and budget analysts outside of the administration have explained that these claims are not supported by data or economic theory.[3] Now a Department of Treasury analysis presented in the Mid-Session Review itself confirms what outside experts have consistently said â€" tax cuts do not come remotely close to paying for themselves.