The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92846   Message #1781907
Posted By: Amos
12-Jul-06 - 01:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Repubicans The Party Of Death
Subject: RE: BS: Repubicans The Party Of Death
The Federal government is not in the business nor should it be of dictating moral statutes or stances to the citizens of the country; in fact, it is by rights the other way around.

If you want people to be more "moral" about abortion, or any other individual decision they may make, you can take tot he streets, you can have PR events, and you can use your right of free speech to seek to mold the opinions of others.

But when you seek to make your moral views mandatory on others by getting the Federal government to support your opinion over that of other individuals, you are not only abusing the whole purpose of th4e Federal government, you are actually undermining it, by engaging it in issues that distract it from its more important duties and by weakening its ability to make clear judgement. In effect, you corrupt the government of the United States when you try to bend it to purposes for whcih it is not suited. One of those purposes is dictating moral codes.

The source of ethics decisions in the United States is firmly seated with the individual informed citizen. Corrupt that source of power and you corrupt the nation. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.