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Thread #92887   Message #1781921
Posted By: CarolC
12-Jul-06 - 01:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Oh no!....Say it ain't so!!
Subject: RE: BS: Oh no!....Say it ain't so!!
Blather and spin all you want to. The facts are very simple to understand:

Taxes have been cut and tax revenues are up.

All the ifs ands and buts in the world can't change those facts.

These "facts" mean absolutely nothing out of context, Guest. The Bush spin machine (and you and the Hubster) are trying to convince people that the increase in tax revenues are a direct result of Bush's tax cuts. I have produced someone who has been a member of the Bush administration who says they are not. I can understand how you might find this inconvenient, and even frustrating, but you can't spin your way out of it...

"Douglas Holtz-Eakin...was the chief economist for Bush's Council of Economic Advisers in 2001 and 2002, then the director of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office until late last year.

Holtz-Eakin said other factors were behind the surge in tax revenues. Revenues rise as the population grows. Revenues would have risen in the post-2001 economic recovery with or without tax reductions, as they did in the '90s."