The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92874   Message #1782189
Posted By: C. Ham
12-Jul-06 - 08:13 PM
Thread Name: Woody Guthrie on PBS
While it was nice that the Boss did that, I always wonder why he didn't have the courage to sing all the verses, including the ones that have become known in some circles as "the communist verses". I think Springsteen knows his limits and doesn't cross boundaries that would piss off his fans. He just can't walk the walk.

Well Ron, I've heard Pete Seeger sing "This Land is Your Land" in concert on more than one occasion and I've got several CDs with Pete singing the song solo and with the Weavers. He doesn't do those "communist verses" either, and he was a bona fide communist.

By your standards, Pete Seeger just can't walk the walk.

By mine, both he and Springsteen, both do.