The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92895   Message #1782254
Posted By: 282RA
12-Jul-06 - 09:56 PM
Thread Name: Pretty Amazing Guitar style
Subject: RE: Pretty Amazing Guitar style
>>I've seen flamenco guitarists do tricks like this, and others equally spectacular. Most impressive, but actually, what it boils down to is a gimmick, not a style or technique. Flamenco guitarists won't build a whole piece around something like this. They'll toss in a short passage to wow the rubes, then go back to regular techniques. What it boils down to is that you can't play any real music with this sort of stuff.

It's nice to know a few little stunts like this and toss them in from time to time, but just remember, it's a bit like a poodle wearing a tutu and hopping around on its hind legs.<<

Oh, be quiet, you jealous ass.