The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92942   Message #1782589
Posted By: Bobert
13-Jul-06 - 09:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
Mike is exactly correct.... You can look back to Barry Goldwater as the turning point... He was a true conservative and though he lost the seeds were well planted... The progressive movement needs to get the seeds planted...

Howard Dean was on the right track but he scared the heck out of both the Repubocratic Party and the media because what he was sayin' was too progressive for them to compute... When someone like Howard Dean gets the Democratic nomination the seeds will get firmly planted... It doesn't really matter if a Howard Dean wins the first time around as much as it matters that the Democratic Party shows it has the courage, win or loose, to stand up for a core of values on what government is and isn't...
