The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92670   Message #1782749
Posted By: Mr Red
13-Jul-06 - 01:09 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Problem with outlook
Subject: RE: Tech: Problem with outlook
Sounds like a soft error to me - the repair didn't work and you are chasing a chain of events who's audit has broken.

Even a re-install of OS and Office will not repair your HDD.

Without reading all the replies I would suggest buying a second hard disk, install it as the C: drive and install Windows SE on that. Then install your Office and if you need all your e-mails and stuff you have the files and the locations in the old and new - all you need is the names that mean anything. I am at work I can't remember the names but FWIW I often save Outlook files to one of my 3 HDD. The recovery is better than trying to dump in csv files and get them back - they always seem to change that way.

I will return and peruse the above.