The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1783077
Posted By: GUEST
13-Jul-06 - 09:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
If If If If. What if a flea farts in Patagonia and it creates a hurricane that wipes out your town? Are you ready with a plan?

Ifs are not in the real world. A hurricane bearing down on the gulf coast is for real. Bush telling them to get out is real. The fact that they did not get out is real.

"terrorists had blowing the heck outta New Orleans or poisined its water" is not for real. It is an if.

There are an infinite number of ifs which the national response plan could not handle.

What you need to come to grips with is what did happen.

And why do I need to memorize the national response plan? I got my own plans. Get the hell out of town when a hurricane is approaching and help as many others as I can.

You never know when a terrorist attack will happen and prevention is the best way to handle them. However the LIBs, Anarchists, Democrats and socialists are doing everything they can to keep the administration from finding and stopping terrorist cells. Mainly because they don't like GWB. They didn't want him to be elected but he got elected anyway. Now all they want to do is tear him down. Spending too much on this, not enough on that, he choked on something, he looks dumb. They are acting like a bunch of spoiled brats that didn't get a their way and now they are going to misbehave to get attention.