The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92927   Message #1783139
Posted By: SharonA
13-Jul-06 - 11:46 PM
Thread Name: Pro Slavery Songs
Subject: RE: Pro Slavery Songs
Hi, Michael:
I agree with everything you've said, except the part about there seeming to be a " 'North good'/'South bad' theme to this thread." I'm sorry if anything I posted contributed to that misconception. If you follow the links for the songs I've posted, you'll see that many of the lyric sheets from which I copied-and-pasted were published in New York and Philadelphia. Stephen Foster, whom I referenced, grew up in my home state of Pennsylvania. The four-day Farren Riots of 1834, which I mentioned, occurred in New York City, and the quote I pulled about it clearly states that the rioters were anti-abolitionists and that they were appeased when a minstrel in black-face entertained them with a song ridiculing a dandified African American. The 1864 campaign song was obviously aimed at Northerners since Confederate states had seceded and weren't voting in the 1864 election!

Unless I'm mistaken, the only overtly "Southern" songs here so far are "Maryland My Maryland" and my link to the Confederate war song "We Conquer or Die". As for Lincoln, I should hope that people reading this thread are aware of Lincoln's negative views about African Americans (I've read that his intention was to try to send them all back to Africa after the war).

The point of the thread is that pro-slavery songs did exist, and that they existed in abundance, and not that the thread is either pro-North or pro-South.