The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92869   Message #1783148
Posted By: JohnInKansas
14-Jul-06 - 12:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Men to be phased out by 2021???....
Subject: RE: BS: Men to be phased out by 2021???....
The New Gender Divide The headline is: At Colleges, Women Are Leaving Men in the Dust

The gist of the article is that men are not doing as well largely because they aren't trying as hard.
Also noted is that quite a few colleges are beginning to impose "sexual preference" in admissions, because of "concern about the larger number of female applicants."

Note: You may be required to "register" to see the article. I did their "register" thing a few days ago to look at something else, and I may still have their cookie(?).

Random quotes:

A quarter-century after women became the majority on college campuses, men are trailing them in more than just enrollment.
Department of Education statistics show that men, whatever their race or socioeconomic group, are less likely than women to get bachelor's degrees — and among those who do, fewer complete their degrees in four or five years. Men also get worse grades than women.
And in two national studies, college men reported that they studied less and socialized more than their female classmates.
… …
What is beyond dispute is that the college landscape is changing. Women now make up 58 percent of those enrolled in two- and four-year colleges and are, over all, the majority in graduate schools and professional schools too.
Most institutions of higher learning, except engineering schools, now have a female edge, with many small liberal arts colleges and huge public universities alike hovering near the 60-40 ratio. Even Harvard, long a male bastion, has begun to tilt toward women.
"The class we just admitted will be 52 percent female," said William Fitzsimmons, Harvard's dean of admissions.
… …
Ms. Smyers, also at American, said she recently ended a relationship with another student, in part out of frustration over his playing video games four hours a day.
"He said he was thinking of trying to cut back to 15 hours a week," she said. "I said, 'Fifteen hours is what I spend on my internship, and I get paid $1,300 a month.' That's my litmus test now: I won't date anyone who plays video games. It means they're choosing to do something that wastes their time and sucks the life out of them."
