The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92618   Message #1783607
14-Jul-06 - 03:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gaza Strip 28/9 June 2006
Subject: RE: BS: Gaza Strip 28/9 June 2006
While the people of Gaza are imprisoned in their city and the refugee camps and cities of the West Bank are threatened by by the Israeli military it is worth mentioning an Israeli civilian who remains a prisoner of the Israeli state.

Mordechai Vanunu ,a former nuclear technician in the Negev desert, did much to reveal the extent of Israel's nuclear weapons capability.

For this crime he was kidnapped from Rome and served 18 years in an Israeli jail.Eleven years were served in solitary confinement.

After his release in 2004 he was prevented from leaving Israel. He has renounced the Jewish faith and his Israeli citizenship and wants to move to another country where he can live in peace. He is unable to leave and now lives under close monitoring amid threats from right wing Zionists in a christian church annexe.

Israel is prepared to kill innocents in order to free its captured soldiers but when will it free Mordechai Vanunu?