The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92990   Message #1783773
Posted By: Sorcha
14-Jul-06 - 06:20 PM
Thread Name: 1/2 CH ?
Subject: RE: 1/2 CH ?

Plaisir D'amour

    A   E7 A       D    A       E - E7
Plaisir d'amour ne dure qu'un moment,
   D    E7 A    D    A    E7 A
Chagrin d'amour dure toute la vie.

    A    E7 A       D    A      E - E7
The joys of love are but a moment long,
    D    E7 A      D         A    E7   A
The pain of love endures the whole life long.

    A    E7    A       D       A            E - E7
Your eyes kissed mine, I saw the love in them shine.
    D       E7 A            D             A    E7    A
You brought me heaven right then when your eyes kissed mine.

   A    E7    A       D       A         E - E7
My love loves me, and all the wonders I see,
D   E7 A            D          A    E7    A
A rainbow shines in my window, my love loves me.

    A   E7   A            D          A          E -E7
And now he's gone, like a dream that fades into dawn,
       D    E7   A            D                A    E7    A
But the words stay locked in my heartstrings, "My love loves me."

(repeat "Plaisir d'amour ...")