The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18071   Message #178403
Posted By: dick greenhaus
14-Feb-00 - 09:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Give Us A Break
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
My previous message got chopped, so I'll continue. Since all too many Mudcatters don't appear to read any better than they spell, I'll copy the original post, and then add my own comments.

There is just too much BS being posted on the non BS links that it is becoming difficult to help the folks that are genuinely looking for information.

I'll agree with this. Some of us just don't have the time (or the gumboots) to wade through all the irrelevancies on all the threads, and, as a result, just read fewer and fewer each day.

I see 40 and 50 posts on a simple request. For God's sake, if you don't have any useful information to add - don't post. Don't say "I have the recording - I'll post it if nobody else does." LISTEN to the recording and THEN post the lyrics. Don't post "I don't know that one - I'll send an Email to xxx to see if he/she knows."

OK. THis is an opinion, as valid as any other opinion. In general, I concur.

In other words, if you don't have anything to contribute to the thread - don't post. PS. PLEASE DO NOT add more shit to this thread - although the boneheads undoubtably wll.

I personally don't give a fiddler's whatever how padded BS threads become. If everbody that responded followed GUEST,Al's request, this thread would have vanished off the bottom of the screen long ago. I'd personally be much happier if music threads stuck more to the subject. One can speak or write for two basic reasons: to convey ideas and information to others, and to express oneself. The latter isn't really communication; I prefer to call it munication . And it really is only of value to the person who's municating. GUEST,AL---stick around. Join the Mudcat. And let's hear some substantive comments on music threads from you.