The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18071   Message #178445
Posted By: katlaughing
14-Feb-00 - 10:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Give Us A Break
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
I followed the venerable *elders* of the Mudcat when I first came and watched as they posted messages of "I have it and will post it later if no one else has by then", so I was only following what seemed to be SOP.

I understand some of what you are saying, Dick, but none of those types of things are clear, hard and fast "rules", which it is my understanding, Max really doesn't want, anyway.

Would it be helpful, for those of us who are in there and see good stuff "buried", to send you a personal note of who, what, when, and where?

Also, Irish Trad, here on the Mudcat, is wonderful, as far as I am concerned and I hope none of you go away. Dick did seem to be referring to the specific List, not anyone on the Mudcat.

