The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84904   Message #1784929
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-Jul-06 - 01:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hey, gotta LOVE winter eh?
Subject: RE: BS: Hey, gotta LOVE winter eh?
If you go to places like Trinidad or Pakistan, it gets a lot hotter than that in the summer. Most people have a different way of staying cool, as opposed to the expensive air conditioner favored by North Americans. They stay in the shade and they have lots of open windows and fans. In Pakistan they blow the fans through a hanging drapery which is kept produces a wonderfully cool and refreshing flow of air...and it's far cheaper and more healthful than using an air conditioning doesn't spew hot air out into the city around you, which air conditioners do.

Try fans. They work wonders.

Shade trees are also good. It's always cool and pleasant under a large tree.