The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92618   Message #1785056
Posted By: GUEST,jon
16-Jul-06 - 04:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gaza Strip 28/9 June 2006
Subject: RE: BS: Gaza Strip 28/9 June 2006
The trouble with you Zionist supporters is that you have wanted the Palestinian people...the indiginous people of Palestine... to f*** off as you so inelequently put it for the past 100 years and they have refused to be beaten off their land or their page of history.

The Palestinians and Hamas are fighting back with what they have....which is no military match for the missiles,super bombs and heavy tanks and artillery routinely used by the Israelis.

As previously stated elsewhere Hezbollah was practically invented by Israel's war grew from nothing in response to an 18 year old invasion of Lebanon by the Israeli military with all the horrors that invasion brought into being.

Again Hamas came about with some subtle Israeli encouragement .The Israeli were keen to break the unity of the Palestinine Liberation Organisation and thought it could encourage an islamic group to drain away support from the PLO.

The result is ,a decade later, is a militant Palestinian govt which is not prepared to kowtow before the armed might of Israel.

Keep your crocodile tears for yourself!Palestinian kids have been routinely brutalised by both the Israeli army and Zionist paramilitary colonialists for decades. They have ben brought up with beatings ,rubber bullets,tear gas and imprisonment.Many have been killed or horribly maimed.

For years there has been a growing world wide movement in suport of Palestine has been calling for peace and social justice and the return of Palestinian refugees to their homeland....the Zionists have jeered at them...they wont even acknowledge the name "Palestine "let alone accept that the Palestinians have a just case.If that were to happen the refugees would have to return home and the Zionist myth would be blown apart.