The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92997   Message #1785132
Posted By: Troll
16-Jul-06 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Plame Sues Cheney/Rove!
Subject: RE: BS: Plame Sues Cheney/Rove!
Forgive me if I have this all wrong, but I seem to remember that Congress - with the exception of Sen. Feinstein - voted to give the President the go-ahead to use whatever means were necessary to bring down Saddam.

This whining and crying that he fooled them by cherry-picking the intelligence reports and lieing looks more to me like "Oh shit we goofed we'ed better cover our asses quick" than anything else.

If they were so stupid as to fall for what they now say was a pack of lies, I would think that , rather than going after the Bush administration, the liberals would be looking to elect some representatives who were not quite so gullible.

It is my understanding that most of them didn't even read the intelligence report sent them by the White House but instead relied on staff synopses. I wonder what they were doing that was so much more important than finding out first-hand what was in that report. It was, after all, their vote that allowed the President to go after Saddam.

As far as Joe Wilson is concerned, he tried to make himself look like a real big wheel by claiming that Cheney himself had asked him to go to Nigeria when the truth is that Cheney did no such thing. Wilson drew attention to himself by bragging about his supposed connections when he would have been better off to have kept his pie hold closed.

If memory serves me, MI5 still says that Saddam was trying to buy yellow cake, as does French Intel, Joe Wilson notwithstanding.
I don't know if I'd trust them any more than I would trust the CIA, but Joe Wilson doesn't inspire a great deal of confidence either.

BTW, just because this country won't defend its borders, doesn't give us the right to criticize a country that does.

Just my opinion, you understand.
