The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93043   Message #1785580
Posted By: harpmolly
17-Jul-06 - 11:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!
Oh my goodness! :)

In the interest of full disclosure, the rat's body was about 7 inches long and the tail another 8 inches. And it took a lot of nerve to get close enough to measure it. ;)

What's really funny is that, even though she brought the rat in from outside, I was still seriously freaked for the rest of the night. I did that thing where you sort of *leap* onto the bed from a few feet away, because I didn't want my feet standing right next to the space under the bed. Damn that Stephen King! Arrgh!

I suppose I should be proud of my little ratter. When she caught the mouse, even though I felt sorry for the little thing, I did feel a twinge of pride (sick, I know). But this rat was something else entirely. Eurrgh.

Liz--she doesn't seem injured, just all riled up. ;) I threw the catnip mouse around for her a bit and she attacked it with a vengeance. I'm glad she didn't run into the unfriendly upstairs kitty before she came in--usually she's smart enough to run, but in her state of carnivorous hyper-awareness she might have put up a fight, which wouldn't be good. Run kitty run!

OK, anyway. Thanks for listening and responding, all. ;) At least I have a story to regale my colleagues with this morning.

