The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92901   Message #1786521
Posted By: George Papavgeris
18-Jul-06 - 02:29 PM
Thread Name: any info on the Critics Group?
Subject: RE: any info on the Critics Group?
You might have to wait forever, Erastus, as it all depends on one's viewpoint - how do you measure success and achievement. You made it clear that seeing through your glasses no such achievement by McColl is discernible. So be it, we can all live with that, and I see no reason why anyone should even attempt to change your mind.

By my measure, if we can pass through life and affect positively one person alone, that already is a great achievement. McColl's work has done that for me - it's a long and convoluted story, but it ends up with my situation today - to whom I am married and why, why I live in the UK, my current occupation and to a large extent why I hold certain beliefs. Not as evangelistic as it might sound, but there it is.

By my book his passage through this world has been worthwhile. I hope that others can say the same about you, me etc.