The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93073   Message #1787770
Posted By: dianavan
19-Jul-06 - 08:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Generous Britain
Subject: RE: BS: Generous Britain
Actually Jon, this thread began as a ripping the taxpayer off, issue. It has evolved into people asking some pretty good questions. Your question is absolutely valid. Is the 'welfare' system contributing to the destruction of the 'nuclear' family?

I don't think so. Many other factors have contributed to the destruction of the nuclear family but it is social services who are attempting to provide for those who do not have such a family. It certainly is no incentive to remain single. The monthly allowance is sufficiently low to discourage most from trying to "live off the dole."

...and yes, minimum wage jobs definitely contribute to the inability of uneducated and untrained parents from supporting their families. In B.C. it used to be that young men without training and education could go fishing or logging. Now these resource jobs have all but dried up. For a long time there has been little or no work. Young women could find minimum wage employment much more easily than young men. Unfortunately, minimum wage is not enough for a family. Social assistance keeps them alive.

Of all the types of stereotyping and discrimination that occurs, I think poor-bashing is the most destructive. Its bad enough to not have enough money to feed the kids but for you and your children to endure social scorn for the crime of having no money is just plain ignorant. It can happen to anyone for a variety of reasons. If its never happened to you and you have never had to ask for assistance then consider yourself lucky. Someday you might.

Are women getting pregnant for money? I doubt it but if they are its due to ignorance on their part. What is really needed is education but the same people who do not want their tax dollars going to social assistance, do not want their money to go toward education either. Basically, these are people who do not understand that as a civilized society we must take care of those who cannot take of themselves.

Myself, I have more respect for single parents than I do for those who were born with all the advantages in life but think they have 'worked hard' for everything they have. Try raising kids on a welfare check and you'll know what hard work it is to raise those kids.