The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93133   Message #1788160
Posted By: NormanD
20-Jul-06 - 09:11 AM
Thread Name: Religious Correctness gone mad?
Subject: RE: RC gone mad?
Mr Fox's exaggerated comment in support of Lennon's murderer is unnecessary, whatever you think of the song. Lennon may have been financially loaded but, politically, he was part of the "utopian" school - he advocated social changes but didn't necessarily think through the consequences of how they might affect him personally. So, don't knock him for writing a song, or support his murder because you don't like it. That's an inhumane reaction, and uncalled for. Enough songs have been written by people whose personal lives have been the complete opposite of their romantic lyrics.

"Imagine" was adopted by the Tories as one of their party conference theme tunes, I remember (this was Thatcher-era too). Far more damaging, and hypocritical, than kids not being allowed to sing it.

And, in the last year or so, a group of US school students was banned from singing Dylan's "Masters of War" (I'll find the reference if anyone's interested).
