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Thread #92618   Message #1788721
Posted By: robomatic
20-Jul-06 - 08:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gaza Strip 28/9 June 2006
Subject: RE: BS: Gaza Strip 28/9 June 2006
This is the simple question that I asked, capable of a response 'yes' or a response 'no'.

Guest, Dan:

I take it that you support the 1967 borders defining Israel and Israel's right to defend them as stated by CarolC?

This was Guest,Dan first response:

What a question!
Hundreds of totally innocent Palestinians are being slaughtered ,maimed and thousands are being terrorised...a whole country is in the prOcess of being destroyed for the second time in twenty years while Palestinians removed forcibly from their homes 6 decades ago are now being blown up and slaughtered yet again in Gaza and the West Bank....

This is a hyperbolized statement that amplifies that Palestinians are involved in the penetration of Israeli territory and the killing and kidnapping of Israelis. Oh, and it makes no mention of frequent rocket attacks against Israeli citizens.

Your question...what about the 1967 border.
Ah, yes, my question, are you or one of your Guest, entities going to give me a straight answer, finally...

My answer is there is no room for a zionism that is in deadly partnership with the USA to slaughter its neighbours.

umm, okay, my question was a simple one, about honoring the 1967 borders of Israel, let's see where this is gonna go...

I believe that those strutting zionist paramiltaries should go back to their homes in New York becaust they are murdering the people whose lands they have stole.

well, I'm not talking about zionist paramiltaries(sic) or New York. I'm talking about Israel. And is it murder when Israelis are killed or only when Palestinians are killed? Oh, there's more here, we're not finished with the preoccupation with zionists...

The problem is zionism and the zionists...... This isn't terribly clear to me. Zionism was the party and principle of re-establishing a Jewish homeland on the ancestral territory of the Jewish people. It doesn't necessarily speak to ways and means, the ways and means were all over the map. Zionism may be taken to mean simply the belief in Israel's right to exist. In this sense even, dare I say it, CarolC is a Zionist. It seems you are trying to make a rhetorical point from the 'high ground' but not really say anything. Let's stick to Israel and the borders I originally asked about. We're not in debating class, this was and is a simple question:

I take it that you support the 1967 borders defining Israel and Israel's right to defend them as stated by CarolC?

Okay, now we have Guest, Dan's wish list:
1 Stop the state mass murder

What mass murder? The constant homocide bombers?

2 Stop the destruction of both Gaza and the Lebanon

Pursuant to the return of the kidnapped Israelis?

3 Release the prisoners,women,children and the three Israeli soldiers.

Good, there's some meat here, nothing to do with the original question I was trying to get Guest, Dan to answer, if he/she/it even considered Israel to be a viable nation, but it's fair enough, given the circumstances.

4 Withdraw from the occupied territories of Gaza,West Bank and the Golan Heights.

This would almost seem to be an acceptance of 1967 borders and the existence of the state of Israel. Is it? Or is this a demand to return to previous battle lines and continue the war? To give up preparatory to giving out? Seems to me an answer to the original answer in the first place might have allowed this further line to be arrived at in due course. But a simple observation on my part is:
If you don't accept any border to be legitimate, or the State Of Israel to be legitimate, why should Israel accept 'any' such demand?

5 Full right of return for all the Palestinian refugees and their children whose lands and homes have been dispossed.

This is, as is your above point, down the line. If you wish that Israel didn't exist and want to establish your own 'dismemberment' plan, that will be just what it is, your own, and a plan, nothing more.

6 Full civil and human and religious rights for all in a democratic Palestine.

Well, we've never had a democratic Palestine, we've never had a Democratic Egypt, we've never had a Democratic Jordan, but hey, Lebanon's trying... Let's see a few Democratic countries out there beside, oh, wait, there is a democratic country out there. It has civil and human and religious rights for all. It's called 'Israel'. Hey, Guest, Dan, check your map, I'm sure you can find it, it's pretty small but hey, maybe it's on 'Mapquest'!

The above is not a utopian solution it is the only alternative to the Long War stretching out into the next century being envisaged and planned for by both the zionists leading Israel and their American neo con allies.
Their way is still all ab
out oil and strategic power...but another world is possible...and on the evidence we have seen in Gaza and the Lebanon..absolutely essential.

Okay, Guest, Dan you put yourself rhetorically on the map, but I'd like a simple human yea or nay, up or down, yes or no so my limited brain can absorb the truth of your remarks, not the emotional ten ton blob of lard. Here we, go, for the marbles:

I take it that you support the 1967 borders defining Israel and Israel's right to defend them as stated by CarolC?