The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1788759
Posted By: Bobert
20-Jul-06 - 09:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...

First of all, knowin' Sins as I do I think there was one of those typo tyhings in sayin' that the response to Katrina would have been worse under the Dems...

While I ain't much of a Dem, their record with disasters will Clinton was makin' the calls in the 90's was a lot better than what we've seen with the Bush folks...

Oh yeah, Bush did funnel millions and millions into the hands of folks in Florida, many of whom suffered no real damage, after a hurricasn in '04.... But this had nuthin' do do with disaaster relief but politics... Bush has never been shy in spending other people's money to stay in power.....

And GUEST continues to pound this "blame-to-locals" drum as if they had the ****contracts**** funded and in place to make evertything work...

What could Bush have done??? Well, GUEST, apparently are avoiding the the main crux of this debate as if it was a radiation pit... He could have funded FEMA!!!! What don't you undersatnd here??? Is this too over yer head, 'er what??? No, rather than put his koney where his mouth was, Bush used FEMA as a slush fund to fund DHS and his war in Iraq... FEAM was gutted!!! What don't you understand aboput this???

Okay, hey, I can live with you just comin' out and saying that the feds shouldn't be into helping communities with overwhelingh disasters... I've asked you repeatedly to say that and if you would just say that, we could just say that we have differences of opinion on what the federal government's role is or ain't... But, no, you won't answer that question... Ain't rocket surgery here, GUEST... If that's your opinion then fine... I can, without agreein' with ya', live with that...

But, no... You continue yer defending Bush who:

1. Gutted FEMA

2. Whoes administaration failed to mobilize what little resources it had until 36 years after Katrina had passed

3. After 9/11 and his constant campaingn trail speech telling folks that he was "working hard" to "protect the American people..."

But that's the nice thing about being a GUEST... Since you have no transparancy, you can say whatever you want irregardless of facts and reality....

I don't have that luxarty but it don't matter 'cause I have the truth and guess what, GUEST??? The historians will get this one right...
