The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93088   Message #1789025
Posted By: The Shambles
21-Jul-06 - 07:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Deleted posts & closed threads
Subject: RE: BS: Deleted posts & closed threads
Eventually Joe and Max responded as expected, by telling him to fuck off and get a life.

Graham - Can we have some evidence provided to support these claims and assumptions. The Chief of the Mudcat Editing Team has set the example of publicly posting many such abusive personal attacks and may well have posted such a thing in those words.

Perhaps you would care to comment and support the Chief of the Mudcat Editing Team's imposed closure of the long-running thread on the affects of the Licensing Act 2003? The point about the PEL threads going back about 6 years, is even when all concerned did respond and make the effort to limit posts to as few threads as possible - these efforts were not recognised and the judgements and personally motivated editing actions have continued.

That thread, containing much important information and providing a vital record, was recently closed - with no explanation - when another new thread on the subject was started. This because the originator of this new thread did not realise that you did not have to and wait for the entire thread to load.

The concept that that there should only be one thread on one subject is a nice tidy idea that few of us have any problems with. However, does this mean that threads such as these, have to be instantly subject to imposed closure to achieve this end and at all costs? Perhaps such things should be seen more as a general guide and a more relaxed view taken?

Very often it is not the end result of these heavy-handed imposed actions that is of concern but the style (or lack of it) by which this end is arrived at.