The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91942   Message #1789309
Posted By: Uncle_DaveO
21-Jul-06 - 03:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: McDonald's or Burger King
Subject: RE: BS: McDonald's or Burger King
Lepus Rex asked (in connections) where one could get a brain sandwich.

I was just about to give my emphatic answer when I followed the levels of links and found the site that gave the correct answer: Evansville, Indiana.

I don't get down from Indianapolis to Evansville very often any more, but brain sandwiches are a local delicacy that I always looked forward to when I was there.

The other "must-eat" in Evansville is open-pit barbecue. In those days it was at either Mac's or Wolf's. Not that sloppy mush, and not even ribs swimming in something like ketchup, either. The ribs or pit slices are (relatively) dry to the touch, but the waitress will give you a little pitcher of extra sauce (HOT or not, per your order) at the table. Wolf's also used to have barbecued mutton. Not my preference.
Evansville barbecue is quite different from, and quite superior (in my opinion) to any other barbecue I've ever found, anywhere!

Dave Oesterreich