The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93164   Message #1789356
Posted By: Azizi
21-Jul-06 - 04:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: TV Ads
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads
Here's another tv jingle that I remember from way back when:

Jump! It's fun.

Jump! It's easy.

Jump! We love to play Parcheesi.


This jingle was spoken and not sung. Again, I like its repetitive pattern and its alliteration. I also like the fact that "Jump" had three meanings-it referred to movements players made on that Parcheesi game board. And I think that who ever wrote this ad and directed it to kids would know that the word 'jump' would also be closely associated in kids minds with the act of jumping for recreational purposes. Then there's jumping for joy-what the ad writers wanted people to do who liked playing that game.

I don't know if the Parchessi game is even sold anymore. Frankly, I can't remember too much about the game except that it was played by people moving different colored pieces around a card board after throwing dice or twirling some spinner to find out the number of moves you could make.

But one thing's for sure-this jingle has lasted far longer for me than that game.