The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93166   Message #1789416
Posted By: gnu
21-Jul-06 - 06:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why can't Arab nations unite ?
Subject: RE: BS: Why can't Arab nations unite ?
The only real problem in this entire world is greed. The subjugation of the poor by the rich. The denial of education... of equality. No person, in right mind, would call for the beheading of another over a joke, a cartoon, religion, skin colour... education is the only true weapon against evil. However, it is difficult to educate the poor in countries where the rich in power will not allow it.

Given that... how do you educate these "rich"?

Hint... the verb is close to "educate". I daresn't speak it aloud. Matter of fact, I don't even know why I am posting to this thread. Swore these threads off a while back.

Okay, nevermind. Carry on.