The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93166   Message #1789590
Posted By: Little Hawk
21-Jul-06 - 10:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why can't Arab nations unite ?
Subject: RE: BS: Why can't Arab nations unite ?
I don't know, Peace. What I do know is that Israel and all its various Islamic opponents are constantly pulling each other's tail in a great variety of ways. There are probably a great variety of reasons for it too.

There is always a debate in Israel, as there is anywhere, with hardliners on one side and moderates on the other...and policies change. There are always internal power struggles happening in groups like Hezbollah or Hamas too. It's an infernally complicated situation.

The Muslims fighters have sometimes been able to exchange a few Israeli prisoners they took for many of their own people who have been imprisoned by the Israelis, and that may have been precisely what Hezbollah was after....or it may have been something else entirely. I don't know.

Now, however, both Hezbollah AND Israel are afraid of appearing weak, so both are inclined to escalate the fighting. That's dangerous.