The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91942   Message #1789674
Posted By: Slag
22-Jul-06 - 02:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: McDonald's or Burger King
Subject: RE: BS: McDonald's or Burger King
McD's was never palatable. Never will be. BK was good in the beginning but success sent it the way of all flesh (intended). Only desparation or mental illness could send me there now. With 21st century plagues like "hep C" and worse about and the severe down trend in moral responsiblity I try not to eat out at all.

With regards to the eating of flesh, its just life. All life does it in some form or another. If you aren't willing to kill it, clean it, cook it you shouldn't be eating it. As for veagans or vegetarians or whatever they call themselves, well that's what all prey animals do. They capture and kill poor semi-defenseless little herbs that can't get up and run away so they desrve similar treatment.

Next time your sstanding before a mirror, flashing that big toothy grin, check out those little babies we call "eye teeth" or "canines". Those aren't made for munchin' bananas or asparagus. My bias runs in the same direction nature intended with those little rippers but I won't judge you if you choose to rumminate with the herd animals. Bless you. But if times get really lean...