The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93045   Message #1790010
Posted By: Georgiansilver
22-Jul-06 - 02:31 PM
Thread Name: Blitherscrum Folk Music Festival
Subject: RE: Blitherscrum Folk Music Festival
Betty Swollocks is coming from Upper Ramsbottom I hear. Wind instrument I understand for Betty.
I have heard that the 'Schitzophrenics' are playing a spot this year if he can get to the venue.
Last year I was asked to give a talk on sex to the adult attenders in the Under Milkwood Barn. When I got there, the MC said they were running late and could I make my talk as short as possible? I agreed and when the time came, I stood up and said.."Ladies and Gentlemen, It gives me great pleasure" and sat down again. Really went down well.
This years festival co-incides with the scarecrow festival again and I would suggest you don't stand still too long unless you want all and sundry taking photos of you.
It is now getting close to the Festival so I must wish you all the best of luck.   So 'Best of luck to you all'