The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93209 Message #1790642
Posted By: GUEST,Jacqui
23-Jul-06 - 09:49 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Earwig O (Les Barker)
Subject: Lyr Add: EARWIG O (Les Barker)
EARWIG O (Les Barker)
Little Mrs Earwig, she had a little son. She called the baby Earwig A, for he was number one. The second she called Earwig B. Earwig C came next. D and E soon followed, then F as you'd expect. G and H were subsequent. I and J came then. K, L and M were triplets, but who followed Earwig N?
Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O.
In the Insects league cup final, he gave the crowd a treat. He gave the stick insects some stick. Earwig O could not be beat-o. His first goal was a header, and his second sewed it up. His third made it a hat-trick. Epsom Earwigs won the cup! All the grasshoppers were chanting, all the spiders hand in hand in hand in hand in hand in hand in hand in hand, As they sung the Earwig anthem, and it echoed round the stand:
Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O.
Little Mrs Earwig, I wonder if you know That your fifteenth little offspring is the famous Earwig O? "Earwig O" they sing at Wembley, "Earwig O" at White Hart Lane, At the Oval, and Old Trafford, "Earwig O Wig O" again. "Earwig O" they chant at Chelsea, and the Royal Albert Hall. Some talk of Alexander Beetle, but the greatest of them all...
Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O.
Little Mrs Earwig, does it fill your heart with joy? When they sing about your son-o, do you whisper "That's my boy"?
Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O. Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O.
Just transcribed from a tape of the BBC Radio 2 programme 'Mrs Ackroyd Explores Her Roots' from about 10 years ago! I always knew they'd come in useful sometime, if I kept them long enough!