The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92901   Message #1790907
Posted By: Matthew Edwards
23-Jul-06 - 03:51 PM
Thread Name: any info on the Critics Group?
Subject: RE: any info on the Critics Group?
I think that Jim Carroll has at last given us a truly valuable insight into how the Critics Group worked; Mr Baconburger may find the techniques redolent of Communist or Maoist practice but the kind of open discussion of performances between fellow artists was also very common in theatrical circles at the time. As Jim observes, it can be an incredibly stimulating way to develop your own performance by getting honest and sympathetic feedback from other artists who are interested in the same thing.

It doesn't work for everyone - Anne Briggs notably thought the Group a waste of time; but it certainly didn't produce MacColl clones. The singers who participated in Critics Group sessions are all very clearly individuals who discovered their own ways of singing - but from what I have gathered they were all enriched through the experience. Just listen to Lou McKillen, Bob Blair, Frankie Armstrong, Terry Yarnell and Sandra Kerr to see how differently and powerfully they developed.

Fred McCormick has also clearly shown where anybody should look if they wish to question what Ewan MacColl contributed to folk music, and thanks to him too for reminding us how huge Ewan's achievement was.

As an afterthought may I suggest that Guest 'Terry' be nominated for the Earl Richard Award for Supreme Tactlessness!