The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93244   Message #1791588
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
24-Jul-06 - 09:26 AM
Thread Name: Music of South Africa
Subject: Music of South Africa
In answer to some questions and an interesting sub-discussion on the Kenneth Griffiths Obit I have started this thread.

I was asking what Folk Music was around in SA nowadays. All we tend to get to hear are excepts from people like Ladysmith and Paul Simons 'adaptation' (?) of that style. Rather than get into a long debate about what is and isn't folk music perhaps we can just say what folk music, of any style, is around in SA today?

Funny, I have just been on Derek Brimstones new web site. First thing I spotted was his autobiography 'I'm glad I practised'. I believe the title to be a reference to Dereks stay in South Africa. He was sunbathing on a yacht, sipping something nice and cool and being generaly pandered to when a voice calls over "Derek, aren't you glad you practised?".

Not sure who the voice belonged to but I believe he was on tour with a few others who had defied the embargo on the apartheid regime to tour the area. Now there is no embargo and that travel is much easier is world-wide folk music making a resurgence? What should we be watching for coming out of Africa?

Look forward to your comments.
