The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93045   Message #1792086
Posted By: Folkiedave
24-Jul-06 - 07:18 PM
Thread Name: Blitherscrum Folk Music Festival
Subject: RE: Blitherscrum Folk Music Festival
Sailors' Workshop. Especialy for those of you thinking of listing for a sailor


New York Girls, like Liverpool Judies, like the ladies of Limehouse, Yarmouth, Portsmouth, Gosport, and/or Baltimore, know how to show sailors a good time, if by "good time" you mean losing all your money, your clothes, and your dignity. Note: All of these places are near navigable waterways. In practical terms this means that if you're a sailor you're screwed (and so are any young ladies you happen to meet). See also: Great Pox; Doleful Ghost.

There will be time for questions.