The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93203   Message #1792133
Posted By: 282RA
24-Jul-06 - 08:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Holy Stoogaic Wisdom
Subject: RE: BS: The Holy Stoogaic Wisdom
>>Well, the fact that Monty Python was not realy a person is a good place I suppose. I wonder how a TV program can have a sense of humour? Oh yes, that reminds me, the people who went up to make the TV program were ignorant Limeys. Now, as to the language. You may have noticed it is called English. That is because it came from England.<<

Oh yeah?? Maybe so. Maybe so. But American humor still achieved something you nation of ale-swilling prissy-talking cross-dressers could never hope to achieve even if your empire hadn't crumbled into dust because we kicked your ass in the 18th century--GREEN ACRES! Yeah, that's right, muthafucka! Read it and weep--Green Acres. All your best comedy actors put together ain't worth a drunk hungover Hank Kimball much less an Arnold Ziffle.

Monty Python Schmonty Python!

Greeeeeeen Acres is the place for me!
Faaaaaarm-livin is the life for me!
Land spreadin out so far and wide
Keep Manhattan just gimme that countryside!

Come on, all you proud fellow Americans, join in with me!