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Thread #92618   Message #1792316
Posted By: Ron Davies
24-Jul-06 - 11:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gaza Strip 28/9 June 2006
Subject: RE: BS: Gaza Strip 28/9 June 2006
I totally support the Israelis' right to defend their borders and to try to end Hezbollah's attacks on them.

But they have blown this campaign--and in the process strengthened their adversaries, including Syria, Iran, and probably Hezbollah in Lebanon --not to mention anti-Semitism all over the world.

As Peace has implied, this is not just a military campaign--it's also a propaganda campaign. The Israeli attacks on Lebanon, especially on the Lebanese army and areas of Lebanon which don't harbor many Hezbollah fighters--are worse than criminal ( for loss of life). They are stupid.

They give Hezbollah the opportunity to paint itself--plausibly-- as the only Lebanese patriots--fighting an external aggression. Think the "embattled farmers" at Lexington and Concord--or think Southerners during Sherman's march to the sea. The difference is that Sherman's march really did hasten the end of the Civil War. Given that Israel admits it cannot expunge Hezbollah root and branch, do you really see an Appomattox anytime soon?. And how long did the bitterness in the South last after Sherman's march?

Also, Hezbollah is, among other things, very media-savvy. Not only do they have their own television station, but they know the power of gruesome pictures--especially of women and children. Pictures of the corpse of a child were shown on Hezbollah's satellite TV station--and e-mailed around the world.

The more Lebanon in general is attacked, the more the Lebanese intelligentsia flees the country. Already Bush is being criticized by prominent Lebanese for his support of the Israeli campaign, which threatens to destroy one of his prize "young democracies".

This is a disaster for Lebanon--but also for Israel. The only group that wins is---Hezbollah.

Not exactly what Israel--or the West--would like.   

As I said from the start of the campaign--the only good approach to this is a well-armed multinational force --not the current token force--stationed on the border.

Israel felt--with justification-- that the provocations had gone too far.

But this response is the most senseless, counterproductive, and brainless one imaginable.

And they will live to regret it--if they're not already doing so.