The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93036   Message #1792589
Posted By: Janie
25-Jul-06 - 08:30 AM
Thread Name: Fiction:The Woman in the Holler
Subject: RE: Fiction:The Woman in the Holler
"Emma was 14 when she turned up pregnant with what she said was Uncle James child. If it could have been blamed on one of the boys Clare might have let her stay, but they had all left home by then.

"She drove Emma off, and Uncle James just stood, shame-faced, and watched.

"Emma had no where to go and no one to turn to. She managed to get a ride down to the Union Mission in Charleston, and Reverend Murdock arranged for her to go the the unwed mothers home in Parkersburg. When Miss Cassie was born, Emma refused to give her up. She went back to Charleston and went towork as a maid at the Daniel Boone Hotel. You all know the Daniel Boone as a flop house for down-and-outers, but back in those days it was where all the lawyers and businessmen stayed when the legislature was in session.