The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93272   Message #1792890
Posted By: Joe Offer
25-Jul-06 - 02:04 PM
Thread Name: Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum (threads combined)
Subject: RE: Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum (threads combined)
You know, Bee-dubya-ell, that's all well and good. The BS is fun - and some of it appeals to some people and some to others. That's not the objection. Bert starts six blank-message threads in his fee-fi caper. Shambles posted the same "please close this thread" message in eight threads. Gargoyle resurrected eleven Shatner threads, all with nonsensical messages.

And on top of that, we regularly get barrages of posts and threads trying to sell us online gambling and get-rich-quick schemes.
It get old.
It really does.

I'd probably enjoy a tour of your potshard garden - but don't force me to go through eight identical gardens. That would remind me too much of my mother and her irises....

-Joe Offer-