The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93133   Message #1793153
Posted By: Slag
25-Jul-06 - 07:20 PM
Thread Name: Religious Correctness gone mad?
Subject: RE: Religious Correctness gone mad?
I would not forbid anyone his or her religious beliefs; the limit being the use of force or coercion to spread said belief. I've made a study of most of the great religions of the world and not a few minor ones and while I may not agree with them their adherents have every bit as much right to their beliefs as I have to mine.

Speaking of setting up straw men: To denigrate God as a three-headed orange biscuit barrel, well even I could see where you might find THAT ridiculous. And the contemptuous and summary dismissal of the Torah and its world-changing revelation of the Hebrew's God displays the depth of your Biblical, theological and historical scholarship. Had the world only known of your genius earlier we would have been spared the curse of Western civilization altogether!

If you choose not to be a Christian, well, God bless you. If all is not Atman or Brahmin with you, better luck the next time around. If you cannot find the Tao or your tao, blaise a new trail. No need to be hostile. If your parents tried to inculcate you into their faith they did it because they loved you and wanted what they believed to be best for you. If in your desire to rebel and remove the umbilicus you also rejected their religion or their God, that was your choice. That you hold it as a shrine of anger tells me something about you and where you are on your path. If your identity is established because of reactionery responses to your then immediate cultural environment, look deeper. Again, religion is not for everybody nor is Atheism or Agosticism. Lighten up a little and the world will be a much friendlier place.